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I think I'll enjoy it, and that's all that matters to me. You can't expect everyone to enjoy the same games. There will ALWAYS be critics even to some of the best games of all time. I don't like a lot of beloved franchises, and I've seen countless people on these forums rip apart games that I love. That's gaming. We all have different tastes. Let's not lose sight of that and forget that we are all here for the same reason. We all Love gaming. We can't all love the same kinds of Art! How boring would that be! I love when one of my best friends gets a game I never really gave much thought, and when I'm over there I get totally sucked in and become a huge fan! (Hello Portal & Portal 2!)

I see so much arguing on here and it really comes off like this:

"wow this game looks amazing! I can't wait! Day 1 for me!"

re: "dude really? This game looks bland and boring. Nothing new. Looks like a PS3 game. Pass"

.... Sure maybe it's not that extreme, but it's close. The worst part, if this game was an XBOne game, Sony fans would be bashing it, and XOne owners would be defending it to the death. This brand loyalty crap is out of hand and it's really disappointing me as a gamer. This will be the first gen I will have the financial stability to fully enjoy being a 3 console gamer, and dabble with PC gaming. I know I'm excited and I'm freeing myself from a console loyalty and it's really liberating!! I can't wait to get down with some Zelda U! and try out Sunset Over Drive, and definitely will be trying The Order, and so many other future games that will come for all 3.