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Xenoblade Chronicles X is full of surprises. Either the Game will sell beyond any expectations, or it will bomb (which I, personally, not hope).

The Order 1886 with it's 5-9 hour Campaign will receive lukewarm critics but will be a Bestseller because of 

The same goes to Battlefield Harddecline. It's the name which is selling units. It's the only reason Final Fantasy XIII sold millions of Copies.

Tearaway, also a Game I loved on the Vita and absolutely looking forward for the Playstation 4 Version, will most likely a non-seller after the LittleBigPlanet 3 disaster.

Devil's Third is a self-fulfilling prophecy. There are no expectations and I hardly think the Game will reach Bayonetta 2's semi disappointing numbers. Looking forward to this Game and I hope Itagaki will reach an audience for this game.

Be aware: English is not my native language. The Internetz is the only place I'm partly speaking this smooth language. And because my Signature is so boring, feel free to insert a lame Boob-Joke here: [Insert lame Boob-Joke here]

Warning: Nintendo and Übel Blatt Fangirl alert