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HappySqurriel said: I'm an Albertan ... Effectively there is only one political party I can choose ... I own a Wii stof said: AAAHHHH!!! *pulls cover over head to hide from the Ralph Klein under my bed* You crazy Oil drinking, Cattle ranching, slot machine pulling, Rocky mountain climbing...*scratches head to think of other Albertan stereotypes*... giant mall loving conservative! I'm an NDP'er. To help the Americans, If the U.S. had a system where third parties could actually get seats in the house, we'd be Ralph Nader's party And I own an Xbox, and want a DS and Wii.
Come on ... Ralph was classic... For those that don't know too much about King Ralph:
Wikipedia A problem drinker, Klein, under the influence, once verbally abused homeless people at an Edmonton-area shelter. After the incident, Klein reportedly sought to end his alcoholism, which had once been regarded as a sort of amusing, harmless quirk by many Albertans.
The incident was that Ralphy walked into a homeless shelter, threw money around and shouted at the homeless people to "get a Job." In his defence (sort of) Alberta has had the lowest unemployment rate in Canada for a very long time and the only reason a person was homeless at the time was because they had serious mental problems ... The funny thing is that most Albertans thought he made a better leader when he was drunk ...
Wikipedia During a charity roast on November 9 2006, Klein made a lewd joke at the expense of former Conservative Member of Parliament Belinda Stronach: "I wasn't surprised that she crossed over to the Liberals. I don't think she ever did have a Conservative bone in her body. Well, maybe one. [Referring to Peter MacKay, her former boyfriend who is a member of the Conservative Party of Canada ]" Klein refused to apologize for the remark stating that "a roast is a roast is a roast is a roast." Ralph Klein brought up the AISH program at a campaign rally in Calgary, within the campaign’s first week, telling party supporters that his government would weed out un-deserving recipients. He then went on to tell the rally about two women he had met at an event who had identified themselves as AISH recipients. Klein then made the following remarks: “And they were yipping about AISH payments...” “They didn't look severely handicapped to me. I'll tell you that for sure. Both had cigarettes dangling from their mouths, and cowboy hats.”