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deskpro2k3 said:

I think Nintendo is getting out of touch with their fanbase. Then again, people on Youtube are signing up for the Nintendo Creator's Program even though they're not allowed to upload videos of Smashbros and stuff.

Nintendo learned something all right, I just don't know what it is.

It's not the core Nintendo fanbase that Nintendo is losing. As long as they continue to make high quality entries of 2D/3D Mario, Zelda, Smash Bros, Mario Kart, Metroid, Animal Crossing, Pokemon, Donkey Kong, Kirby, Yoshi, Xenoblade, Kid Icarus, Star Fox, Pikmin, Tomodachi, Fire Emblem, etc and make a handful of new ip each gen like Codename STEAM and Splatoon, core Nintendo fans aren't leaving.

The big mistake they made this gen was releasing hardware $100 more than they have in previous generations along with selling their devices at a loss, software droughts and mediocre advertising are big factors as well.

From April 1996-Mar 2001, Nintendo shipped about 90-95 million units of Gameboy+Nintendo 64 and from April 2001-March 2006 Nintendo shipped about the same amount for Gameboy Advance+Gamecube and they were very profitable during these times. So far this generation Nintendo has shipped about 60 million for 3DS+Wii U and by the time it hits the 5 year mark, they will have likely shipped 70-75 million units, down from the 5th/6th gen but not by a huge amount. Had they released more affordable devices sold at a profit, with more/better advertising than its very likely they could be seeing 5th/6th gen level sales/profits.

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.