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zorg1000 said:

I think if they go with the unified concept, the handheld will be somewhere between Vita & Wii U in terms of power, being able to handle Wii U level visuals on a small screen and lower resolution, similar to the way 3DS is between PSP & Wii. The console will be a slight upgrade from Wii U, similar to the way Wii was a slight upgrade from GC.

These devices will share the same architecture, operating system and online infrastructure so that all games can be played on either device, just at different resolutions/graphics settings.

While I don't think Nintendo cares too much about gfx fidelity, I do think they'll want to improve on what their devs can apply in terms of visual effects.  For optimizing Nintendo's trademark "toon" visuals, they might want their home con. games to run 1080/60 with AA (won't nec. apply for Metroid, or realistic Zelda, etc).  

So I'm not exactly sure how much power Nintendo would need to achieve a visual leap that would be to their satisfaction, but I imagine somewhere around 800 gflops to 1 tflop or shy of XB1.  If the home con. is negligibly stronger than HH, it runs the risk of being purely optional.  Just like that graphic I posted w/Nintendo touting the visual difference from 3DS vs Wii U, I do think Nintendo will find the right balance to make the home ver. a lucrative purchase.  By combining architecture and (assuming) game library, to regain that lost stream of game revenue Nintendo will want/nudge their consumers to "double dip" on HW, so gamers can play their games everywhere, on the go or the traditional large screen presentation.