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se7en7thre3 said:
Soundwave said:

I do wonder though, especially if Sony exists the portable handheld market, whether or not at least on the portable side they may feel like the time is right to return to a more cutting edge approach?

More like how they were back in the day with the Nintendo 64? All you heard about that back in the day was it's incredible Terminator 2/Jurassic Park SGI graphics, DOOM 64, Turok, Star Wars, etc. they really actually did bank on a pretty core audience for that early on.

Because right now, the casual/kid friendly side is really being cannibalized by tablets/smartphones, especially if Nintendo wants to maintain the $30-$40 software model, they may actually realize that the "bluer ocean" for handhelds may be a more hardcore device that really drives home the "you can't get this on your tablet" point home. 

That and marketing on Better Call Saul/Walking Dead for the N3DS launch kinda made me go "hmmm". Why the sudden interest in marketing towards adults? Testing the waters for something in the future, perhaps? 

Also interesting for the first time since like N64/early GCN days they made it a point to talk about system horsepower with the N3DS ads. Hmmm again. 

But nah I'm probably wrong. Nintendo probably doesn't have it in them to leave their "aim for kids first" safety blanket behind.

If Nintendo follows through with "Fusion" as most expect, their HH  power by default has to "move toward the middle", to satisfy Ninty's home con. fanbase.  Of course, that means the Fusion home ver. will seem optional and not much more powerful than the HH.  I'd predict the home ver. to be equal with the HH in power, but the only reason I have hope for a higher spec home model is from seeing the Smash bros U direct, where Nintendo was touting the visual difference vs the 3ds :

My mind was blown when they showed this graphic.  So Nintendo might want to use the extra power as a selling point for the home con.  Wii U level power for the HH would be much higher than their original type of leap (which would be slightly more than Vita).  But I expect the home ver. to still be weaker than XB1.  

I think if they go with the unified concept, the handheld will be somewhere between Vita & Wii U in terms of power, being able to handle Wii U level visuals on a small screen and lower resolution, similar to the way 3DS is between PSP & Wii. The console will be a slight upgrade from Wii U, similar to the way Wii was a slight upgrade from GC.

These devices will share the same architecture, operating system and online infrastructure so that all games can be played on either device, just at different resolutions/graphics settings.

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.