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It's Nintendo's Color TV-Game Block Breaker. One of their First Gen consoles, released in 1978. It already looks good, but just think of it; today's high-end materials and the buttons replaced with touch interface and razor sharp image would make for a seriously sleek console! Nintendo once took the design of a certain type of Game & Watch as a basis to create the DS, I'd love to one day see them do the same with the design of this old boy one day .

Taking the more mainstream consoles however, it's a lot harder. Not of them I would call 'beautiful', but I like the ones that have some kind of 'console-y' feel to them. I can't really describe it, but I mean the ones that look like they're a video game console. I'm thinking about N64 or Dreamcast. This gen I'd say WiiU comes closest to that look, but esthetically speaking the PS4 20th Anniversary is the prettiest of the 8th Gen.