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Ssliasil said:
Sharpryno said:
I mean its certainly good for Sony. But they are still expecting a $1.4 billion $ loss for the fiscal year.

That loss is due to the restructuring costs :) thats why people are buying now, because the Restructure should help them bring in heavy profits int he future.

that's wishful thinking

outside of their video game department, there is almost no department that Sony is currently excelling in. they have massively lost market share in their traditionally powerful brand business (DVDs, TVs, other home electronics), have failed in the attempted phone market, etc. etc.

what you're not bearing in mind is that Sony is NOT just a video game company. in a perfect world you could just cut off a chunk of your business and keep it alive if it was doing well (i.e. Playstation), but in reality if Sony's other business sectors (which are fairly large and have debts) fail then it will be irregardless how well Playstation does

1 healthy flower in a bunch of dying ones is not necessarily going to save a garden. As some have mentioned too, stocks actually can jump like this from day to day for various reasons (its hardly unheard of). It's obviously surprising given how Sony stock has been for a while BUT the real key is for it to consistently go up for weeks or even months

that is exactly how people LOSE money, getting excited because of a few days with good gains on stock, investing, and then it dropped again suddenly. happens all the time