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For the Umbrella Chronicles is just the Wii numbers as its says under platform.

RE3 didn't do so hot because it didn't had the feel of a true sequel, as it wasn't mean to be one in the first place.

Story goes that Capcom planned to make RE3 for the next gen systems after maxing out the original PlayStation, this next gen system was the Dreamcast, this is where RE3 was going to be while the PlayStation was going to get a spinoff, Resident Evil: Nemesis. However they supposedly had some sort of contract with Sony that said the had to release a numbered entry of the series on the system, so the PlayStation spinoff got a 3 shoehorned in, while the true succesor had to be rebranded.

The games were released months apart, so calling the Dreamcast game RE4 would've been a bad idea, having a subtitle instead of a number made Code: Veronica elss important which is why its so ignored.

RE3 is rad and all, but apart from Nemesis is just an expansion of RE2, and not even all that as Mr. X is the basis of the Nemesis idea.