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Hey everyone, yesterday I use my free day to make content for yet another thread, however due to some problems I was unable to access chartz last night, so here you go. Got to post this from work, but at least got the pics on my imgur account.

So, all this is the official shipment data provided by Capcom themselves, this list includes only the title to ship over one million copies as that's the only information given:

Revelations also came out on 3DS, my bad in that part.

Note that Capcom only combines the sales of the games if the were released on more than one system at the same time, for example, RE5 came out on PS3 & 360 at the same time hence its sales are combined, however, something like Code:Veronica X first released on PS2 and later on the NGC which is why there's no data on how it did on NGC, Revelations is the exception of this rule for some reason.

As always, a nice bar graph showcasing the best to worst selling, however this graph includes all SKUs, as you can see up there there's 3 versions of RE4 and the original RE, in the graph below all those sales are combined.

Missing are sales from:

PC version of RE5.

PC version of RE6.

All PC versions of RE4 along with the HD uplift on PS3&360 as well as the mobile versions.

PC & Saturn versions of the original RE.

PC, N64, Dreamcast, NGC & versions of RE2.

PC, Dreamcast & NGC versions of RE3

NGC & the HD uplift for Code: Veronica


Still, Japan numbers from nearly every RE game I have data for, notable absences are the games on Sega consoles and RE2 on N64.