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Market their products better. Focus more on the console rather than the controller. And as the handsome man Kotastic said, "not to use their previous brands' name." I've always believed that marketing was the Wii U's only problem, most casual players and parents must think it's a $250 Wii add-on to go with the rest. When it's actually the console that the Wii should have been.

A system's power means nothing, don't let the Internet make you think otherwise, the Wii proved that, you don't need HD, generic FPS games, or Jack Tretton to tell you what to play in order to sell the product. The Wii was marketed brilliantly, to the point where there were even oldies in retirement homes playing them, and it had nowhere near the power that the PS3 and 360 had. No HD, no trophies/achievements, no social crap, and laggy online, yet more people bought it than the other stronger and technically superior consoles.

There are 3rd party games on the Wii U, but no-one bought them, even looking at their pages on Miiverse no-one plays them, there's no audience. It's not Nintendo's doing. The people who bought the Wii U did so to play Nintendo's 1st party content. There's enough consoles out there that have the same games on them. A guy on here said it best, it's not a charity, I'll buy games that interest me. It's up to the developers to do that.