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McDonaldsGuy said:
Darwinianevolution said:
McDonaldsGuy said:
I honestly don't think they've learned anything. They have no desire to even turn the Wii U around (unlike Sony and the PS3).

I don't think the WiiU and the PS3 problems were the same. Yes, they both had the "the console X has no games", but their core problems were different.

The PS3 was as powerfull as the 360, but it was more difficult to program for. The WiiU uses old technology that Im sure is relatively easy to work for (except the gamepad), but with the lack of power, nobody is developing for it. The killing point was the relation with 3rd parties: the PS3 had to wait a year or two to get proper support, time needed by the developers to get used to the software. They could have work on the WiiU, but they felt ignored due to last gen console, Nintendo's lack of dialogue with the 3rd parties and EA's boycott. Thus, killing any sustainable 3rd party suppord in the future.

Also, PS3 was really expensive and had a horrible presentation on E3 (Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiidge Raceeeeeeeeer). WiiU's was bad, but not that awfull.

True but Nintendo should attempt to turn the Wii U around. It's like they don't even care. They've made so many baffling choices. Not to mention they turned around the 3DS (really quickly). 

Let's look at the weird mistakes Nintendo has made:

- Last gen hardware

- Weird tablet controller that appeals to no one and no company is utilizing it (not even Nintendo)

- Poor advertising

- Hardly any first party games, no new franchises, and spare releases (we usually would have a Zelda game by now but it's not coming out til next year)

- Super Mario 3D World isn't what people wanted. We wanted a Super Mario 64/Galaxy type HD Mario. We finally get an HD Nintendo system and they give us a 3DS sequel!

- Zelda's art style. They showed us a cool art style at E3 2012 that got us pumped up, but instead went with the horrid Skyward Sword art style that was rejected

- Their online still sucks and they STILL don't have achievements. WTH?

- They aren't even reaching out to third parties

The PS3 also had many issues at launch: poor titles, crap first/second party support (lol Lair!), weirdest advertising ever (remember that baby?), no trophies, $599, no rumble, losing third party exclusives left and right (Final Fantasy XIII, GTAIV, Assassin's Creed, Devil May Cry, Tekken 6, etc. etc.), and a lot more. But Sony started to turn it around by 2008. They got major exclusives by then (Uncharted, Metal Gear Solid, LittleBigPlanet), a price cut, started to support rumble and trophies. They also started the famous Kevin Butler advertising which helped turn it around.

By 2009 the comeback was complete - they did a complete rebranding of the PS3 and it succeeded.

On the other hand Nintendo doesn't even care. That's why it's so frustrating cause I thought the Wii was amazing, and the 3DS is amazing. Nintendo could turn the Wii U around in many ways, but they refuse to.

yeah. even sega supported the saturn.