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kowenicki said:
Ruler said:

Why not, apple makes their own smatphones with their own OS, so why shouldnt sony do the same making a game centric smartphone like xperia play but with playstation eco system, going into their pockets.

Apple has a whole ecosystem based around that OS and store.

Sony doesnt... and Sony isnt Apple.

A Sony only OS on their mobile would mean instant death for their mobile.

- and apple isnt nokia what is that for a logic? 

- sony has an eco system, vita can play every psp and ps1 game. It would easily transform into more than gaming if they would open it up to devolope apps bye veryone.

-i said they should sell their mobile department then make playstation phone with their vita devision. The vita sold 10 million units, that is a lot if it would be a smartphone model. A lot of japanese people game on their iphone, a closed system by apple. A playstation phone could take that marketshare back by sony who is a japanese company.