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stof said:
Blue3 said:

You having a blonde monent arent you. macs suck cant even play games, weaker then a PC yet more expensive.

PS3 costs alot but it also does alot and is the most powerfull, but i guess thats lost on you.


Blue, your so silly. It's not enough that you constantly flame and criticize the Wii, now you're going into threads like this with such constructive nuggets as "macs suck" You truly are on a quest to get banned. I wish you luck, and look forward to helping you attain that goal.

I obviously don't want it for gaming, it's a mac. It doesn't get many games.

Actually, a lot of my favourite games are for the Mac, but they're older games.


not surprising, i ask a question he gets his panties in a bunch (over somethign NOt directed at him) i anwser.  You bitch about me, Go bias!