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TheRealMessiah said:
LudicrousSpeed said:
No more than it exists for any other bad looking exclusive.

There is no negativity for Bloodborne. Could it be because it's a game that looks good, while also being a Sony exclusive?

What other games fell under this supposed "phenomena", Knack and Killzone 6? Driveclub? Gee I wonder why.

Did you actually play drive club or are you just letting others think for you? Drive club proves your entire point wrong, fantastic game, reviews got totally wrong, god forbid a racing game be a track racer..............

How about you think for yourself and not assume someone who might not think a game is "fantastic" might have simply not played it? Idk about you but I am not in the business of making definitive statements about released games I have not played. I made it maybe halfway through DC's career mode before I was bored and returned it. I don't have any problems with track racers either, so there's another swing and a miss for you.