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Mr Khan said:


C'mon, though, you know I'm right.  A Nintendo Avengers game does not sound that compelling.

What else, then?  

Aliens and/or Predator?  Hm.  

Superman?  Well, there is a history.  

Planet of the Apes?  Now we're getting somewhere.  Nintendo does fur the right way.

Star Trek?  I could actually see it.  

Jurassic Park?  Eh.  Nintendo wouldn't let the dinosaurs eat many people at all.

The Fast & The Furious?  Pfft.  We know how that would end up.  The only question is if Mario or Luigi gets to play Vin Diesel's part.

Twilight?  Hell yeah.  I want to see it.

Pirates of the Caribbean?  Makes sense.

Transformers?  Get thee behind me, Nintendo: thou art an offence unto mecha: for thou savourest not the things that be of Transformers, but those that be of men.