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Augen said:
t3mporary_126 said:

"As it seeks writers to work on the show, Netflix is describing it as “Game of Thrones” for a family audience, this person said." -

If I'm not mistaken, isn't Game of Thrones about the poltica and family rivalies in medieval time mixed with sex including incestuous one?

How is the LoZ going to be family friendly version of this show? Netflix doesn't know anything about Zelda or Game of Thrones it seems.

Also, can we all agree that Zelda Williams should be in this show? I bet Robin would have love to be in this show too.

Game of Thrones is a fantasy epic that is more grounded and complex than most fantasy works.  Many of the places, people and events are inspired by real history and then mixed with fantasy.  It is in many ways the opposite of Zelda.  Zelda is the romantic view of middle ages with the hero vanquishing the villain and saving the princess.  A Song of Ice and Fire both mirrors and deconstrates these themes.  Simply put it shows humanity and morality to be flaexible and grey in terms of who is good or evil.  There is simply power and how those who have it elect to wield it.

If Martin wrote Zelda, Link would killed in the first season by Navi in a convulted plot with the Goron to allow Gannon to conquer Hyrule's royal family sending Zelda into exile and then betray him only to see it was Skull Kid all along who grabs the tri force before being defeated by the Gerudo in a desire to redeem their pride with the aid of the sages.  Or something like that.

I'd watch that show!

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