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1. Association Football - This is the sport I am truly passionate about and watch hundreds of matches a year and follow news of various leagues. Most interested in my club (DC United) and domestic league (MLS) and have attended many live matches as well.

2. College Basketball - I really only care about my UK Wildcats, especially come March and the major tournaments. Once they graduate they basically "retire" to me as never watch NBA.

3. Ice Hockey - Sport I enjoy watching, especially at the Olympics and Stanley Cup Playoffs. I think the NHL season is too long, but still enjoy going to some games.

4. Baseball - I have never been passionate about the sport, but I lived right by a baseball stadium for a while so was easy social event for groups. More relaxed affairs and easy enough to keep up with what is happening.

5. Rugby Union - While domestic league is working to start up hard to find much exposure here. I got into this as my brother played so watched him often. I also enjoy the World Cup even if we don't fair very well.

I have no opinion on Cricket or the various forms of Football (American, Canadian, Australian, etc.) as never played or watched them. I have friends that do so I just wish their respective teams well.