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My impressions thus far:
The story isn't anything impressive but it serves its purpose. On the creative side, I like that they went with native Americans as the background, although I wish it fit a little more thematically with the gameplay. For instance, tagging is cool, and I love the designs they came up with, but it would have been a little more interesting to have a Native American slant on them.
A couple other things also bother me about the story.
For one, in an early scene Delsin refers to himself as a "power sponge" and somehow inherently knows he can draw powers from people. And he knows he can get new powers from things that are lying around. Yet nothing that happened should have given him that inclination. It was a little weird. It's just a minor narrative flaw though. It could have easily been fixed in a number of ways (like if he got two different powers immediately at the beginning of the game).

There are a couple other flaws that nag but really the opening story is about setting up your reasoning for running around the city and fighting the DUP, which it accomplishes. I didn't really expect much, but it's better than nothing.

Gameplay wise, there's lots of stuff to do, and it feels gratifying to go through and unlock stuff and clear areas of DUP control. The side quests are pretty varied and the game is actually challenging at times. It really feels like you control how much of a challenge you want, which for me is one of my favorite things about a game. ie; If I'm good at gaming, I should be able to throw myself into the lions den and come out alive. A lot of games tend to block off challenges, or make you not want to jump in, or have to set your own challenges to make it harder, like min level runs. This doesn't, and I appreciate that.

Characters are all pretty cool and interesting. I recognize the first light girl in some pictures in the game, which is a nifty reference. I'm getting new powers at a pretty good clip now and just unlocked the meteor slam which is epic.