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SjOne said:

it taking a year to cross 1 million is reflective of the Wii U audiences buying habits more than anything else. Call of Duty and Assassin's Creed didn't sell well on it, doesn't that mean people aren't interested in those franchises? Look at the games that don't feature Zelda and Mario and see how poor the software in general sells on the console. Metroid really doesn't have a chance of doing any better. Its a niche franchise on a niche console.

But wait... DK sells on par with Zelda (your 6m reference), so applying your logic zelda should struggle to pass 2m on Wii U? Of course not because it has a more dedicated fanbase who will find the game regardless of its platform.  

I think you've done well to illustrate my point. Again a game which sells 6m, should never struggle this hard to break 1m unless it lacks a dedicated fanbase. Comparably far more "niche" franchises (pikmin 3, Beyonetta 2) are fairing a lot better considering their sales history has never even approached Dk's yet they're sitting at 900k, and 700k and one of the Ips doesn't even have a history with Nintendo. Both will pass 1m this year.

I'm not interesting in stating Metroid would have sold better because non of us know that (although I believe it would for many reasons), but the logic you're applying here slightly ignorant of overall context. (IMO)