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freebs2 said:
SjOne said:

Metroid Fusion was a game made specifically for the GBA, and it sold less than the remake of the original Donkey Kong Country.

On any platform with Donkey Kong Country and Metroid, the former will always sell more.

So, why DK Jungle Beat on GC hasn't sold more than Metroid on GC ? GBA was another popular console, it had kids and Nintendo fans. Donkey is an IP that caters Nintendo fans and kids, Metorid caters N fans and core gamers. Normally DK sells more becuase Nintendo target kids, so when their consoles are successfull you'll have a lot of kids in their userbease. On the other hand, when their consoles are a commercail failure (like GC or WiiU) you'll have exclusively nintendo fans and a bunch of multi consoles owners on board. With these conditions there's not a big difference between games targeted to kids or to core gamers, quality is what matters the most.

Also MPT is massively outselling DKCR on the Wii U VC. See my thread.