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KBG29 said:
Barring anything crazy they should see stocks double or more this year. I saw a report a week or two ago, on how Playstation Vue could double there net worth from 23B to 46B. As Playstation Vue and Playstation Now arrive on more and more products, the stock will only climb higher.

As for the mobile buisness. People are to hastey on the sell button. Sony has finally turned around their TV division after years in the red. Kaz has already set in place measures to make Mobile profitable at the expense of market share. I think the best thing they could do with Mobile is roll it into SCE, and focus on a Playstation Phone and PSMobile OS. A handheld gaming phone along with the already great Xperia Z line would sell extreamly well to both gamers, and non gamers. With there own OS and PSN, they would rake in huge revenues and profits over the current buisness model. Right now they have to be profitable on the hardware, because once in consumers hands google gets the majority share of sales through googleplay.

Yeah I agree they only should have a Premium phone line, and a playstation phone.  There is no reason to have budget phones because people only buy Sony phones for the best of the best.