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super6646 said:

Big deal? I've seen stocks up over 100% (granted mostly IPO's and RadioShack hype of surviving back in the summer). So anyway I don't call a biggy! Though they FINALLY made a profit, so at least they're not going bankrupt like most Xbox fanboy's (I'll admit I am one, look at my sig) say. And while Sony isn't the best company in the world, it gives Nintendo and Microsoft competition. If Sony wasn't here (or not in gaming) at E3 2013, the console gaming market would CRASH! I myself was unwilling to buy an Xbox One on those policies, and was a stone's throw away from going to PC gaming (yup, I hate it, but I'd do it)! So anyway good job Sony, and hopefully we can see you on a good track soon! Though for the publisher of the post, 10% isn't "exploding".  You want to even think about that, 40-50% uptick in one day, then I can agree (that much of a downturn would have a stock "imploding" XD).

10% gain is absolutely MASSIVE...those 100% gains you speak of usually only ever happen with penny stocks and companies that are bought out.

10% gains are rediculous...say you put $1000 down initially and gain 10% on that now have $100 more than you had initially. 

Invest a million...earn $100,000.

...uhh...ill just put my favorite quote of all time here.

"Welcome to Pain, the second of three...You have dealt the deal with me!!"