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generic-user-1 said:

 a lot of this support goes to oppurtunistic subventionsabusers. and this will change soon, its the way of the conservatives to abuse and discredit EEs.

You know, there's an old proverb: "Saying halva-halva won't make your mouth sweet". Keeping in mind the plan to reach afair 20% in "green" electricity generation by 2020, you're hopelessly lagging behind since full cicle of the production run of seemingly "free" energy costs that much. I dunno check the prices in Denmark if you want to get a grasp of the future. I understand that Germany in... what that German word... zugzwang? in the energy department, but doesn't look like wind and solar energy is the solution here. It cost you a few major blackouts already due to lack of dispatchable capacities (and that wind energy you have is an immense overload for the power grid), so even theoiretically it's not possible to reach that 100% mark. Never, ever.


Speaking about future of energy shortages, let's hear eurocomissar:

Like many in Europe we will sleep in our warm homes tonight, while an unacceptably high number of European households will not be warm enough, simply because their residents cannot afford proper heating. Ladies and gentlemen, 10% of our households is energy-poor!

But it's not only about home consumers. EU companies are facing gas prices which are no less than3 times higher than those enjoyed by their American counterparts. This is a huge burden on our industry and our economy.

And when talking about our industry: among the top 10 solar energy companies, none is European. 

Still too much energy is wasted, and we have not yet built the low-carbon economy and society that is there to last, a concern shared by a very wide spectrum of stakeholders, from green NGOs to major industrial companies, as I could see in Davos last week.

Probably these 10% are elsewhere, Greece or smth, but rest assured -- more to come! BTW I like how he's presenting worrisome facts but keeps repeating same mantras: "No, ladies and gentelmen, that's because we haven't tried good enough in solar energy generation" :D