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binary solo said:
peterpan said:

11.9 is fairly in range ofc. 

that would put the x360 sales for 2014 at 3.3m just 100k behind the ps3 and only a 53% drop compared to 65% for the ps3
right now i have zero clue, if the xb360 is still selling great, or the xb1 is doing much better than suspected



btw. the updated sony forecast ist 17.5m playstation consoles for fy2014.  
They are at 15.1m with one quarter left

2.4m ps consoles to reach the goal. that would be down 35% yoy
i can see them hit ~18m

Both last gen consoles will be doing well to hit 2 million in 2015. After that, who knows? MS and Sony might attempt to flog one more year out of those dead horses, but I don't see them lingering longer than that. 11 years for 360 would be amazing. 10 years for PS3 would be Sony making sure it achieves its 10 year plan intention they announced way back when, when a large segment of the pundits and gamers laughed at the notion of PS3 still being around 10 years hence. Either way 100 million is well out of reach for both.

seems likely
i would go with 90 - 95 m for both

only way to reach 100m would be making them a cheap ~99$ apple/ fire tv and netflix box, that can still play decent games like cod and fifa.
but i doubt, that the x360 could and will run windows 10 and universal app. ms want that for the xbox one as a selling point. and i also doubt, that sony would like to put much money and effort in a 10 years old console, that can't be maufactured that cheap to sell for 99 bucks with a profit


gen 7 will see the normal eol sales like any other console for the next 2 or max 3 years