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peterpan said:
SjOne said:

You think the 360 will sell better in its later years than PS3 when it loses to it on a weekly basis all year round? Sure it gets nice holiday bumps, but not enough to pull it in the lead. PS3 has far better legs in the global market than 360.

It's not doing as well as its predeccessors, but I call selling 5+ million units and counting after its successor released as having legs. Not to mention it still routinely the top platform when it comes to software sales on a weekly basis.

u go by vgc numbers, that are probably way off and wrong
as i said

the x360 sold either more than ps3 in 2014, or the xb1 is doing much better, than many think/predict/want to acknowledge
ps3 is down 65% in 2014
if 360 is down 65%, too that would result in just 2.5m xb360 for the full year (0.8m was the fist quarter figure)
and that would result in 9,6m xb1 sales in 2014, or 13,5m ltd

if the xb360 sold 100k units more than the ps3 in 2014 (despite being way behind in 2013), we would get 11,7m xb1 ltd


so yes, i think the xb360 will sell slightly better in it's last years

I thought the consensus was that Xb one is more likely to be at 11.9M shipped at the end of 2014. If VGC numbers are roughly accurate for Xb one sell through that puts Xb one at under 1 million in the retail channel at that point in time, which is a fairly believable state of play.

PS3 is due a price cut, especially when PS4 gets a cut in order to maintain a decent gap in price. That should bump sales a wee bit, or rather slow down the rate of decrease.

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Jimi Hendrix