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Scoobes said:

You actually can't make that claim anymore than people saying it's giving them lots of free publicity. The data isn't in the public domain. The fact that other publishers have decided to leave youtuber alone suggests that other publishers internal marketing data has suggested leaving them to their own devices is better than trying to regulate them.

The money Nintendo make from this is likely to be a drop in the ocean for their bottom line. Especially if it leads to less youtubers supporting Nintendo content. I honestly think this is more likely a ploy to protect their IP rather than to seriously make money.

It's a drop more than they'd be making without it. You don't need sales data to figure that out. I never said it wasn't them protecting their IP, but when people say that Nintendo should be thankful to these guys because of all the "free advertizement" they get, it's bullshit. They'll get 99% of the same exact "free advertizement" by doing this, because the internet will always and forever make Nintendo videosm, only they'll actually make money off of it. "Drops" or not, it's still more than they made before.