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FloatingWaffles said:
Tlozjb said:
Good to see that even with Japan pulling it down, the other countries have indeed gone up enough to keep strong and up YoY, and unless there is something big next year(Animal Crossing U, Pokken Tournament, Metroid, etc), next year, this should indeed be Wii U's peak year.

Why wouldn't there be something big for next year?

To say the true, when writing that I was more thinking about atleast two(maybe more) big hitters coming to the console on the same year, which is kinda doubtful, unless they throw both ACU and Pokken for Holidays 2015 making the Japanese go crazy :v

COMG guide to points: 1 point = Raging. 2 points = Beasting. 3 points = Tearing it up. 4 points = Berzerk. 7 points = Rampage. 12 points = Burst. 15 points = god mode. 20+ points = DIVIDING BY ZERO!!! 40+ points = Youkai (originally Pokemon).

-1 = Negabeasting. -5= NegaRampage. -10 = NegaBurst