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I would almost find this hard to believe except you can see first hand that Wii U is doing far better on Amazon than last year at...well at almost any point that I can remember. If the Japanese market wasn't slipping in general, the Wii U would probably be even stronger. The real question is will the middle weights (Xenoblade, Star Fox, Mario Party) and lighter weights (Devil's Third, Yoshi, Kirby, etc), and wild cards (Splatoon, Mario Maker) combined with one heavy weight (Zelda) be enough to overcome the two heavy weights (Mario Kart and Smash) and two middle weights (Hyrule Warriors and Donkey Kong) from 2014? I think so, if only because the games of last year had to do a *lot* of heavy lifting to get the Wii U moving while these games can ride the wave. Plus, MK and SSB have helped really turn the Wii U around in terms of public opinion.