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spemanig said:

That's exactly what I'm walking about. They might not want the "free advertizing" without the control. They may find it beneficial to have more control over their IP.

Last year when Nintendo outright flagged their content, which is worse than what they're doing now for Youtubers, people bitched about it for about a week, then they stopped talking about it and people stopped caring. That "bad press" was, is, and will be fleeting, and what they get from it long term may seem beneficial to them.

It's not like the Wii U or 3DS would have been revolutionary sucesses if Nintendo didn't do these things. The "free advertizement," wether people like to admit it or not, results in insignificantly incremental tangeble sales benefits, and Nintendo might not feel like less control over their IP is worth it.

It's not like this effects many important big Nintendo channels anyway. Gamexplain and the like were uneffected by what happened last year, and their output will likely remain the same in this case as well. It's not like there is even close to any shortage of Nintendo game coverage on Youtube with these policies in place.

Nintendo still got tons of "free advertizing" with even stricter policies last year. No, they instead got tons of lucrative advertizing in spite of it. There were still thousands of thousands of videos, reviews, let's plays, and the like of new releases like Mario Kart 8, Smash 4, Pokemon ORAS, etc when Nintendo was even more strict with claiming videos, and they were still making money off of many of them. The Luigi Death Stare became viral enough to appear on national television in spite of it.

These Youtubers can cry all they want, but they won't effect anything. They'll whine about it for a week, and maybe they'll even stop using Nintendo's content on their channels, but that's a tear drop in the well of the many thousands of Nintendo videos that will still be made. Nintendo doesn't need anyone who is complaining about this. There will still be thousands of reviews, commentary, and let's plays of Majora's Mask 3D, Xenoblade Chronicles X, Zelda U, Splatoon etc. without them, just like there were before.

The fact is, these guys feel helpless, because they are. They hold no power or influence over the content they want to use, and they want to feel like they hold more weight then they really do.

Basicaly youre saying Nintendo gets a free pass because its Nintendo. If this was EA programm the world woudlve come crashing down on theyre ehads already. Its an abusive program and Nintendo is passing on free advertising wich is never good, ye they dont need it but they are loosing potential revenue.


spemanig said:
Any big Nintendo channels bitching about this?

Any at all?


I thought so.

That would be because theyre Nintendo channels so they obviously cant just stop doing Nintendo games or theyre channel is dead, they cant bitch about this either cause them Nintendo could simply not allow any of theyre videos to be published, theyd probably go as far as praising the program if Nintendo required it. Theyre gona give Nintendo some perfect 10 reviews whenever they can so they stay on Nints good side and dont get theyre channel put down by the big N.