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Aerys said:
Dusk said:
JayWood2010 said:

The Order is one of those games that has recieved a mixed bag of emotions ranging from this game looks fantastic all the way to this game looke generic and boring.

On one side of things Ready at Dawn is an excellent developer and this looks like a truly AAA game, but on the other side of things it also hasn't shown off a lot of gameplay.  Because of this it has been scrutinized as hiding that its not fun.

So what side of the fence are you on?  Do you think it will shut critics (fans and professional) up or do you think its destined to be the next Ryse: Son of Rome?

Personally I'm very hopeful in The Order 1886.  I think it looks stunning and the story seems interesting.  I dont think the gameplay looks bad either and the guns seem interesting enough.  Im not interested in the Time Era but that has nothing to do with how good or bad the game is, but rather a personal taste.  I think if it scores a 80+ ill go buy it, and im pretty hopeful it does well

Unfortunately I don't think it will quell critics at all. Here's why.

When it was first announced it hinted at a gothic steam punk atmosphere and era, it also hinted at a semi open world that might be filled with exploration and unease. There was also the STONGLY hinted monsters and team atmosphere, a little bit left 4 dead like. Plus there are the references to the likes of Jack the Ripper, mostly due to the initial entry of Whitechapel.

What we have ended up with is something entirely different. It's like they changed the entire idea of the game from when it was first shown to now. It went from a team based horror with potential exploration and different skill sets per player, to a VERY corridor shooter. In the initial trailer they were being attacked from every side by werewolf like things in the fog and haze, now it is... This

There is a large disect between what it was going to be and what it is now. A single player, non tactical, non exploration, third person steam punk shooter. I'm extremely disappointed in the outcome of it already and have lost any interest in the game.


No you invented your own story about thé game, anyone, like, who followed thé game since its reveal knew nothing changed, its still a TPS very inspired by TLOU and also by Gears,  with little moments of exploration, investigation , émotion, a story centric game just like they always said 


Is it a bad thing ? I dont Know, ask that to Naughty Dog

You are right, I did partly invent my own story of the game because the trailer said so little but alluded to so much that it caught my interest. 

That's bullshit dude. I followed it very closely from the beginning, as I said, I was very interested in it. I watched that trailer loads of times and there wasn't a whole lot said about the game at the time that the trailer was released. It is far from what was originally shown in the initial trailer. Did you actually watch them? They could be entirely different games with similar settings. 

I'm sorry you didn't like what I had to say, but get over it. 

Gotta figure out how to set these up lol.