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Areym said:

He bought the game, technically it is his game ( I assume pdp buys all his games)

I bought the book, technically it is my book. So I'm going to read it on the internet and make money from it. 

Scoobes said:

A comic is a purely linear thing. A large proportion of games give different experiences for each individual that plays. Look at the videos of Minecraft; it's astounding what people can do and it's something that I would never be able to do or experience if not for the videos uploaded on youtube. 

Video games are an interactive medium. Even most linear games give different events for the same segment. Take Uncharted for instance. The AI may respond differently in the level, maybe you miss shooting an environmental weapon in one playthrough but not another or you may experience funny bugs in just one of multiple playthroughs.

The events of the comic will never change. The artwork will never change. A persons' experience with a comic is tied purely to the passive reading/telling of it. A video games' experience is tied to the direct interaction with it. A video in this context serves as passive marketing. It effectively functions as a modern "word of mouth" effect. You see people having fun actively interacting with a game, you then want a go out and purchase said game.

What about Last Of Us? Sure there are parts of the game that are played but it's mostly a linear(ish) path. Sure you could spean time exploring more or different things will happen but then the cutscenes happen. Non-interactive set cutscenes which never change. 

Yet something else stood out from your post that made me smile:

"A video games' experience is tied to the direct interaction with it" 

And you think this is achieved from someone watching someone else play? Watching someone play a game on youtube, making comments on what they are doing is no different if they are doing it with any other entertainment medium. We as an audience are still just watching and not interacting at all.

Thing is, don't get me wrong. I understand the marketing benefits that youtube and in turn word of mouth has, I'm trying to highlight the idea that just because they are games, people should not automatically (no questions asked) give someone the right to make money off someone elses work. (I'm omitting reviews from this BTW, reviews are meant to be like that).

Hmm, pie.