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Soundwave said:
zorg1000 said:

Again most of that is irrelevant, like I said u are correct that Nintendo did not make a console with 3rd parties in mind, but that does not change the fact that oniyides claim is incorrect.

If 3rd parties supported Wii U then we would have seen 3rd party releases in the post launch as well. Where was Metal Gear Rising, Dead Island, Bioshock, Colonial Marines, Devil May Cry, Saints Row, Grand Theft Auto, Metro, Tomb Raider, Dead Space, XCOM? These were all 3rd party games that released during Wii U's first year that were never planned to release on Wii U. Sales were not the reason Wii U didn't get these games like Oniyide claimed.

Call of Duty and Assassin's Creed are far bigger than things like Dead Island and Dead Space. 

Even if all those games were available for the Wii U on day 1, I think you know full well they all would've flopped. 

The audience for these games doesn't want a Wii U and Nintendo gave that audience no reason to want one (here's a new Mario game that looks just like the Wii game! And look another mini-game compilation. Our system is fairly similar to the PS3/360 you've already owned for 5-6 years. Please give us $350.). 

Third parties don't owe Nintendo anything, and that's not to be mean, but again it's just like the guy who keeps crying about being single. Get over yourself. Girls don't owe it to you to recoginize you're a special snowflake and date you. You need to go out there and win over a girl, not the other way around. 

Nintendo fans who complain about this operate under a false pretext where they think third parties owe Nintendo something. They don't. The Wii U had some very big third party IP available from day 1, and it all sold like crap. The third parties that opted to pass were honestly smart to do so. 

Yes Call of Duty and Assassin's Creed are much bigger franchises but that's not the point, the point is that the majority of 3rd parties never had any plans to release games on Wii U and u can't expect 3rd party games to sell well on a console that only gets a fraction of these big releases.

When did I ever say 3rd parties owe Nintendo anything? That has absolutely nothing to do with this conversation, u seem to be trying to add things in that don't belong. My entire point was that the majority of 3rd parties never had any intention of releasing games on Wii U, sales had absolutely nothing to do with this decision since they had no games planned since before the device even launched.

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.