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Eliza Cassan: It's not the end of the world, but you can see it from here.
Deus Ex: Human Revolution

Elizabeth: Booker, are you afraid of God?
Booker DeWitt: No. But I'm afraid of you.
Bioshock Infinite

Blazkovitch: Jesus Christ Tekla, aren't you asleep?
Tekla: I try not to sleep. No telling if I will ever wake up.
T: Let me ask you something.
T: Where do you go when you loose conciousness?
B: What?
T: You have a brain, a brain is a biological computational device running an electrochemical process.
T: Your conciousness is an emergent property of said process.
T: In other words: you are your electrochemical process.
T: Fundamentally, you have experience of continuous existence.
T: You are you, at this point in time. You have sensation of riding along this continuum of being you, into the future.
T: On occasion brain can be subjected to trauma, temporarily discontinuing the electrochemical process.
T: Such as a boxer being knocked out.
T: As this occurs the brain is no longer running. It's electrochemical, conciusness generating, process.
T: Hence conciousness is lost.
T: You loose conciousness. Pay attention now.
T: At this point in time, your consciousness, all that is you...
T: ...your continuum of being you has ceased to exist in the physical world.
T: Now, moments later, the electrochemical process may start up again...
T: ... allowing consciousness to emerge out of the information stored in the brain.
T: But I wonder. Where are you in the meantime?
T: Must we not assume that at the point when consciousness is lost, the person dies?
T: If a new consciousness appears or not in the same brain is entirely inconsequential to the dead consciousness.
T: The new consciousness is simply a new person.
T: Because it emerges from the same brain it has access to all the memories and cognitive structures as the dead consciousness, so it thinks it is the same person.
T: But in actuality it is just an impostor.
T: Inheriting the body and brain from the previous, now dead, inhabitant.
T: Yes?
B: What about the soul?
T: Soul...
T: There is no such thing as a soul.
T: We are machines of biology.
T: Nothing more, nothing less.
T: The soul is simply a pointless concept dreamt up by priests and fairy tale men.
Wolfenstein - The New Order

Glad0s: The Enrichment Center regrets to inform you that this next test is impossible. Make no attempt to solve it.
Glad0s: [after Chell completes test chamber] Fantastic. You remained resolute and resourceful in an atmosphere of extreme pessimism.
... and basically everything else Glad0s said in Portal

Robert Lutece: I told you they'd come.
Rosalind Lutece: No you didn't.
Robert Lutece: I was GOING to tell you they'd come.
Rosalind Lutece: But you didn't.
Robert Lutece: But I don't.
Rosalind Lutece: You sure that's right?
Robert Lutece: I was going to have told you they'd come.
Rosalind Lutece: No.
Robert Lutece: the subjunctive?
Rosalind Lutece: That's not the subjunctive.
Robert Lutece: I don't think think syntax has being invented yet.
Rosalind Lutece: It would have had to have been.
Robert Lutece: Had to had been? That cant be right.
Bioshock Infinite

Announcer: This is art. You will hear a buzzer. When you hear the buzzer, stare at the art. [BUZZER]
Announcer: [BUZZES AGAIN] You should now feel mentally reinvigorated. If you suspect staring at art has not provided the required intellectual sustenance, reflect briefly on this classical music. [MUSIC INTERRUPTED BY BUZZER]
Portal 2