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ElPresidente7 said:
GameFreak never releases a mainline Pokemon on a new handheld with low install base. Remember black & white 2 ? They released it on DS when 3DS was already on the market .. I think there is no chance we will have a pokemon game at launch.

I think that was a very different situation. The DS life cycle was long enough to support two Pokemon generations. B2W2 were also "third" games. They couldn't be released on the 3DS. And lastly, a major reason the 3DS launched so poorly is because there was a new Pokemon game being released over a year into the thing's life cycle on the DS, which was incredebly stupid.

Unless anyone actually expects Gamefreak to take a year off and break their steak of releasing new games every year and release Gen 7 in 2017 instead of 2016, I see absolutely no way the Pokemon game doesn't comeout the same year. We're most likely getting the last game of the generation this holiday, which means that Gen 7 is most likely two years away. That lines up with the end of 2016, by which the successor will probably be out. I just don't know if I see it working differently.