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Same place that Wind Waker retroactively did. The consensus for both games upon their launch, I remember clearly, is that while they did have their fans, and were both largely reviewed as being good games, they simply were not what a majority of Zelda fans wanted. Retroactively, both have become the internet gaming communities (seemingly) favorite Zelda games.

On the same token, when Twilight Princess was first unveiled, and then launched, it was met with near universal acclaim, and the general consensus was that THIS was the 3D Zelda that a majority of fans wanted. And then, retroactively, all the criticism started coming out of the woodwork.

Kinda funny how that works, eh? For my money, while both are decent games, I never really got into either one, and as far as I'm concerned, as far as 3D Zeldas go, TP is STILL the best 3D Zelda they have yet made, and while this new one certainly has the POTENTIAL to be amazing and totally surpass it, there is no telling yet whether it will come even close to living up to half of that potential (IE they don't find some silly way to fuck it all up).

So until a 3D Zelda comes along that does, in fact, totally blow TP out of the water, then TP is still the best, IMO.