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For everyone not familiar with this term, in medias res is a narrative tool that avoids a slow start with exposition and throws you right into the action while filling in the blanks at a later time. Here is a nice video about that topic

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Example of this are a military shooter that starts with you in a firefight without you knowing what's actually going on or an RPG that starts with you fighting some bad guy with all your advanced abilities as to give you a look at what gameplay in the end will be like.


I for one don't like it. I couldn't care less if I had to work first to get to the action. I want my 3 arc story. I want to see the progress step for step. I feel absolutely spoiled and cheated when the game shows me all my cool abilities instead of letting me deiscover them for my own.

But it seems to have some appeal to some people, or else developers wouldn't use it as much.

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