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If GTA IV was PS3 exclusive, PS3 would have killed 360 in the US for a few months and seriously cut into the 360's lead in the US. Since it's multiplatform, that won't be happening.

If GTA IV was a PS3 exclusive, the PS3 would have probably completely caught up with the 360 in the US by the end of the year. Not Gears, Halo, nothing has the same weight as GTA IV. It could have single handedly reverse every lead 360 had.

So yeah, losing GTA was much bigger. DQ IX is a big loss in Japan, but nowhere near as important.

MH 3 is a big loss for the PS3 but only because it needs JP hits. Monster Hunter console games aren't anywhere near DQ or FF levels. It would have probably sold decent and boosted PS3 for a few weeks but that's it. DQ IX would have launched a PS3 comeback in Japan, core PS2 players would have jumped to PS3 in droves.

Thanks to Blacksaber for the sig!