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The stock downward spike and drop in RSI makes me think this was a large robotic fear sell-off on stocks due to the overall poor trends from Nintendo's console hardware (both the aging 3DS and the struggling WiiU). Software trends and digital trends being up, however, mean that there are actually good income sources that aren't just coming from the exchange rate. Strong software sales are promising but they are limited by the WiiU's small audience, the 3DS is less limited and is actually selling software as expected (tie ratio) for a handheld. Its overall hardware numbers won't live up to the DS but times have changed and that era of sales is a bygone epoch.

Likely, soon, we're going to see a large buy-in from others either after the investors meeting or after the westeward launch of the N3DS hardware which will bolster its sales and new software figures from the titles coming in. So their stock being down, at this time, isn't much of an indicator until we see what comes up over the next few weeks and from the investor's meeting. In as of so far, the N3DS is showing the ability to stave off decline from 2014's numbers but its obviously (and no one should have expected it too) rekindled some raging flame. The same will likely be true in the west, especially if we see further sales push out the remainder of the OG stock.

tl;dr Its not all gloom, some positive trends are forming but, overall, Nintendo is still in rough waters. (Also NTDOY/F is likely going to be bullish for the near future term. So if you feel like trying to be Warren Buffet, you'd buy now, lol.)