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Ljink96 said:

Nobody wants to mention the Vita even though they aren't trying but at least 3DS is trying. 

Is that not the point?

Vita is a platform that isn't supported by the manufacturer, and is selling like a platform that isn't supported by the manufacturer.

WiiU is a platform that is receiving a fairly decent amount of support by the manufacturer, and is selling like a platform that isn't supported by the manufacturer.

WiiU is the main factor in all this discussion, I feel.  The comments about 3DS sales aren't so much that they're terrible, it's just that the console has seen its peak and is only downhill from here.  And given that it's the vast majority of their hardware & software shipments, a mantle which WiiU clearly isn't ever going to take up, it begs the question of what's in store for the near future.

At least Sony has the PS4, which has been selling on pretty much nothing for the past year and has some actual exclusive games coming up.

(And y'know, all the other baggage that comes with Sony, which is a tonne of other unprofitable divisions making up its business, compared to Nintendo who are focused on videogames).