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People dislike her because she cherry picks, manipulates and out right lies in order to make her arguments "stronger".

It's a shame really, because the basis of her argument is sound, and one worth discussing. It's her apparent inability to present it as the reality rather than an extreme that creates the hostile attitude many people have towards her, and pushes away many people who could sympathize with the core issue.

That all said, there's no excuse for some of the things people say to her, even if i think she knowingly overplays the actual substance of most of them (though that doesn't justify people doing it; you're responsible for your own words, especially when they're being present in an environment that allows close pre-examination). I don't personally like her much either (cherry picking is an effective way to stop me caring about your opinion, since apparently you don't care about it enough yourself to be honest), but i think it's best to just ignore her.