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Played_Out said:
I swear VGchartz is getting more ridiculous than ever.

The OP makes an absolutely absurd suggestion that losing MH3 and DQ10 is worse than losing GTA exclusivity and most people seem to agree with him?!?

According to VGchartz data, the entire MH and DQ franchises combined have sold little more than San Andreas alone!

Even if Sony had lost FF13 exclusivity as well, it would be nowhere near as important as GTA4, and FF13 is much more important than DQ10 and MH3 combined.

To put it in perspective, gaining exclusivity for the GTA series would have sold more additional PS3s in NA/Others than the Wii has sold units in Japan.

To put it another way: if Sony had announced GTA exclusivity early on in this generation, the 360 would probably have been discontinued by now. Okay, that's a bit of an exaggeration... but only a bit.


Look man, I am just saying that with the loss of "timed" exclusive of GTA IV (because the best they could have hope for was a later port to the X360) was not as bad as losing big franchises all together.  

Sony knew that as long as the game was still coming day and date of that of the X360, it wasn't  the biggest lost.  They knew Take Two was in trouble finacially and could have came and helped them but choose not to.   By doing that, Microsoft came with the cash to bring the game to the X360.  I am pretty sure with Metal Gear and Final Fantasy, it came down to "bros before hoes" sitution and they "supported" their homeland brothers Konami and Square Enix vs Take Two and Rockstar.  

But they worried about Microsoft and their money bags that they forget to watch out for Nintendo and mario money, hence losing MH and DQ series.  

And yes I know, DQ10 has not been officially anounced for any system yet so I am guilty of posting FUD.  But even so, with the development time going to DS DQ9, how long do you think you wil see a DQ10 on a home console?  And at that point in time, what console would you want to put it on? 

I'm just saying...