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Better gameplay footage - bigger zombie hordes and more parkour:

Big Hordes of Zombies at night/ crazy parkour:

 Cool parkour and taking safe zones:

 Weird Easter Egg / not sure what it could be (floating random dead body off the map)


Hey everyone, this is my first thread and I wanted to start off with a post about a game that I have been waiting to come out for a very long time: Dying Light!

So I pre-ordered Dying Light because I loved the Dead Island games (even though they were pretty glitchy) and they were a ton of fun to play with my friends. I love zombies games as well and love Mirror's Edge, so this game seemed to be a perfect fit.

I started playing yesterday and my first impression after playing a few hours is, wow! The game runs smooth (playing on PS4 bwt), the graphics are great and the running and climbing just feels great. It is great being able to go everywhere and even inside most ofthe buildings. Co-op was a blast, running around with 3 other people and then all of a sudden.... the night hunter comes. In this mode you play against another human as a zombie and the humans get unlimited stamina and their weapons do not degrade. You have to destroy 5 nests before 10 humans die. The first time I played it, we got crushed, but after the 2-3 time we started to understand how to work together and win.

My opening impressions are great and there is a lot to be seen in this game. I have run around for hours and still only seen like half of the first area.

Here is a link to my friend playing (I dont have a recording device besides the share play), we are in the same gaming clan so we play together a lot. Also, at times his mic is turned down a little low, but he fixed it in his next video im pretty sure. Give it a look, Im playign with him tonight and anyone else wants to play just send me a me a message:

Opening and first misson gameplay:

Skill Tree and Menus:

Hope you guys enjoy the videos and lets discuss if the game turned out as good as you thought it would!

