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Ajax said:
Played out

we know those figures
but the point is, if the PS3 fails in Japan this year,
it's developer support will crumble and it will be over for the PS3

that's why losing DQ and MH going to the Wii is more dangerous than sharing GTAIV with the 360, cause a consoles condition in Japan is more important for it's third party releases, and there by console sales on the long run

The PS3 is not losing developer support in Japan. Excluding Nintendo's 1st party games, it still has all the biggest Japanese-developed franchises. RE5, MGS4, GT5 and FF13 are all much more important WW than either MH3 or DQ10, and three of those titles are PS3 exclusive, 2 of them 3rd party, and none of them are on the Wii!!!

Unless all of those titles bomb, Japanese developers are not going to abandon the PS3. Anyone wanna bet that FF13 will bomb?

I'm not going to comment further, as it feels like I'm banging my head against a brick wall. Let me just say that I appreciate the fact the PS3 has had a dearth of titles targeted towards the Japanese market, but the importance of DQ10 and especially MH3 is being massively overstated.

(NB/ I edited my earlier post to make my point even clearer.)