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S.T.A.G.E. said:

I am pretty pumped that she's helping with Mirrors Edge to make the female protagonist as badass as possible. I am also a feminist (but foremost egilitarian) and even though I don't always agree with her words, she does bring up good points. When she won the Embassador Award at the Game Developers Choice award, Neil Druckman (who who introduced her) spoke about her influence on the character of Ellie in the Last of Us. In my honest opinion, Ellie is the most empowered female character ever created and has so much to learn in her story growth about survival. If she had an influence on that character, I really wouldnt mind her influencing the female protagonist in Mirrors Edge. I understand that she bites when she talks about subjects, but someone has to do it. If not her, then who?


Why do you feel that if she was involved in any project, that she could somehow make it better?  I am not aware of her ever proving herself to be a good game designer or creative lead.

You mention that she brings up good points.  You are obviously entitled to your opinion, but I think there is far more evidence to the contrary.  First of all, she talks as if sexism is rampant in the video game industry.  She cites a few games as examples for her cause.  In 2014 alone, there were over 600 games released.  Without having to go through each one, I can tell you that the vast majority could not be called sexist by any means.

She feels she needs to champion this cause of equality, as if the game industry could not move forward or mature without her.  I hate to break it to you, but you could create a party of strong female characters in some of the earliest RPGs in the early 80s.  Examples of strong female protagonists that existed before Anita started her campaign include Ms Pac-Man, Samus from Metroid, Joanna Dark from Perfect Dark, and Commander Shepard from Mass Effect.

As a gamer, I am worried that with all of the publicity that she is getting, some publisher will force a developer to work with her, potentially ruining a game or franchise.  I see games as creative works of art.  Let the developers create what they see fit.  As gamers, we can vote with our wallets if we find the content objectionable.  In no other art form do you see anyone trying to regulate or censor work based on their views of what is sexist or not.  Do you see writers being told to only have strong female protagonists in books?  Do you see painters told to only paint strong female protagonists?  Can you not see how ridiculous this is for video games?

If she was going after video game companies who have sexist views in the workplace, then it would be a different story.  That would have an impact in real life.  Video games are not real.  Acting sexist in Grand Theft Auto does not make you a sexist in real life, no more than acting violent in Call of Duty makes you a murderer, no more than standing in a garage makes you a car.

What saddens me most is that people donate to her "cause", rathen than donating directly to local Women's Shelters or to other charitable organizations like the Red Cross.  There are much better organizations that can help women (and men) out there.