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I want complex, awesome female characters for video games too, but chastising the industry for every nit-pick just comes off as obnoxious.

After watching a few of her videos, it just reminds me of the gender studies class I took in which every single thing in society was seen as a thing oppressing women. Is there still sexism? Yes, harassment and stereotypes still float around but she comes off as a fringe feminist in that EVERYTHING is oppressive instead of maybe more marketed to males (doesn't mean all males like it) just as things such as Pinterest or Seventeen magazine are marketed towards women (again, doesn't mean all women like it).

I guess it comes down to if we want video games to be a forefront of social change forcefully or let the market decide what we want video games to have. Honestly, awesome female protagonist, though few and far between, do have huge fanbases from both genders and deserve more place in the video game culture. I think putting women in for the sake of having a quota is dumb. We are better than that.