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Why do you think there aren't more game developers using Kickstarter? I'm not talking low-budget, obscure developers. I'm talking SquareEnix, Bethesda, Bioware, EA, Ubisoft, etc.

SquareEnix - Final Fantasy VII HD Remake, Final Fantasy VIII HD Remake, and Final Fantasy IX HD Remake.

Microsoft - Lost Odyssey 2

Bethesda - Pretty much anything that has "Elder Scrolls" in the title.

Bioware - Anything with dragons it.

EA - They're not stopping with Battlefied anytime soon.

Ubisoft - Everyone likes assassinating people. In video games.

I just feel like a Kickstarter would give the developers more up front cash to put into their game, and honestly all they would have to give in return is either a free DLC, or a shirt, or something ridiculously cheap. Then when the game comes out you're still paying for the game. I know I've heard a lot of people (myself included) discuss this regarding SquareEnix especially, just because an HD version of the top selling Final Fantasy games would be awesome. Personally, I want Microsoft to get Mistwalker to make a Lost Odyssey 2. What are your thoughts? Why do you think more (well known/good/etc) developers aren't giving Kickstarter a shot?