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ps4tw said:
fireburn95 said:

Exactly - Or at least that's what she says she is. She has admitted she doesnt play games, one could assume she found a thriving industry and decided to make money off it.

160,000 dollars for 12 videos in 2 years. She got the money, made less than half the promised videos.

So yes, came in with an agenda, yanked a few dollars of real feminists, and selling her agenda straight to the people that make their games for a living.

Which obviously begs the question which tit decided to get her involved in game development...

Game companies have to have some of the worst management I have ever seen in my life. It seems that the mangement have no clue about their audience, and then hire half-assed engineers to throw shoddy code together. This is why I like Star Citizen - a successful guy, with good vision and good management behind it, not falling for some retarded flavour-of-the-month. 

She is not working on mirrors edge, thats just a rumour.

You know, I wouldn't mind if her intentions were purely "treat women fairly"

But it's not, it's "remove any scene or gameplay elements that is degrading to women, add elements that is pro-woman"
Now - that's not equality. That's superiority. Something that real feminists who actually fought for equality would scoff at.

I see modern day feminism, not as equality, but as censorship.

You know that girl from big bang theory? Penny i think. She recently uploaded a picture of herself in the kitchen to instagram, and said "I love to cook for my man"
Feminists got angry with that-forced her to delete the image-and apologise

I mean WTF, some women like to cook, some women like to be sexualised, some men like to cook. They portray censorship, so it seems like feminism is a set of guidelines to the perfect, most ethical human being female. However, if everyone was the 'perfectly-behaved' dud that they expect, world would be a shit place.

Modern day feminism needs to die. It's not a movement, it's an agenda.