bananaking21 said:
CGI-Quality said:
I don't think there are rough times ahead at all. One of them has to win. That's just how it goes (I keep saying this). Microsoft has actually done a very good job of making the X1 relevant. Now, with the price already $349, and the bundle including two games, they should just ride this out till profit.
i think MS will surely do better this year than last year (at least in the US and most probably UK). the price is 350$ this year compared to the 500$ price they had for the first 6 months of the year last year. i can see them doing worse in March, since that was titanfall month last year. but i think they will hold up better.
also, this thread will be very funny if XB1 wins january NPD. everybody expects the PS4 to win easily.
Here maybe but not everywhere. When NPD will be out, many will probably go back to Earth on website like IGN/Gamespot etc...