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If you go up and read the edit on my last post... EDIT2: So my HDTV running at 57.6x57.6 = 3317.76PPSI So 1920x1080 is over 4x what you said it needs to be for a 40inch screen. Just to let you know... Your still wrong. EDIT: I know that feeling... :P You also gotta rember the distance this is being viewed at. With a 40 to 60 inch screen your looking at being 5-10 feet away from it. My father in law has a 52inch, and he sits 10 feet from it. PPI is not everything... distance/size matters too. A 20inch screen needs a higher PPI because you will be closer. a bigger screen dont need it. Rember. If it looks good on a 75foot screen. How big of a difference would you see on a 40 or 60inch screen?

PSN ID: Kwaad

I fly this flag in victory!